Friday 8 January 2016

Brief History of Microsoft

History of Microsoft

The name Microsoft was created from the word microcomputer and software, because software was programmed in microcomputer. Nobody Knew that one day this name would create a History into the world of computers.

Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates; He was born to William Henry Gates III & Mary Gates on Oct 28, 1955. Little did they know that one its going to create History in the world of computers, His father was a Seattle attorney and Mother was a schoolteacher in University of Washington, He went to Lakeside Prep School, In Early school days Bill Gates was the topper of the class for most of the years, but especially in math’s and science. In 1968, he was introduced to computers.
15Bill gates and his friend Paul Allen use to skip Classes, and were spending more time in computer room, they started to find out how these computers work, and read books about them, and also started to write programs. Sooner they started to find many loop holes and learnt to hack it, but they were banned from the computer room because they had crashed some important files.  He started to write programs for the computers at the age of 13, and still holds that position as one of the youngest and smartest programmer ever this world had witnessed.
Sooner their time changed as they were hired by a company to explore weaknesses in their system to tighten the security loop holes, But the company never payed them money instead they allowed them to use the computer anytime they wish. After finishing there schooling days they had joined Harvard University. This was the time when gates got into full time into the world of computers.
Within couple of weeks they were hired by another company for writing programs for them, the company was Information Sciences Inc. This time they payed them and also gave them access to the computer full time. By this time they were famous in the city, so they gained many contracts for many company’s, who told them to fix the bugs, and to write the programs for them, this jobs helped them to explorer deeper into the computer world and to the world of programming, they even made good money out of it, and also gained knowledge about it.
He was not graduated from Harvard University, because of his total interest in programming; he spent most of his time in computer center. Allen and Gates used to think about opening their future company.

Stay tuned on to be continued soon. for the benefit of nd2 computer science students, Federal Polytechnic Ede Osun State Nigeria

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